I am an Assistant Professor in Communication and Culture in the Communication Department and Affiliate Faculty Member in the Asian Studies program at the State University of New York (SUNY) at New Paltz. On my way here, I had the good fortune to be a Postdoctoral Fellow at Wake Forest University with the Program of Leadership and Character and the Department of Communication. I journeyed there via an exploration of Asian theories and philosophy to develop a new methodological process that expands on Asian-centered approaches to scholarship in my PhD scholarship at Arizona State University’s (ASU) Hugh Downs School of Communication. While at ASU, my work was recognized by the Dessie Larson Graduate Fellowship in Performance Studies and supported by the Tempe Connector Award Grant and a 4-year graduate fellowship. During my final year, I was also a Fulbright semi-finalist in 2021.
Prior to teaching and earning my PhD in Human Communication with concentrations in Intercultural Communication and Performance Studies at ASU, I worked as an educator in International, Taiwanese and U.S. based secondary schools, in intercultural non-profit management, translation/interpretation, and dance training and choreography. I study, write, and perform about intercultural communication, acculturation, affect, relationality, and racial representations in the media and lived experiences. My work is informed by additional studies that include masters degrees from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in New Literacies and Learning (in Educational Organization, Leadership and Policy) and from The Ohio State University in Dance, with concentrations in Performance and Dance Education. Prior to this, I earned my bachelor’s degree at Washington University in St. Louis in English Literature and French.
Official Faculty Page:
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In my interdisciplinary work, I focus on the intersection of intercultural phenomena, meaning, communication, affect, and relationality within contexts of learning and cultural tension. I approach my research with a transdisciplinary background, fusing knowledge of embodiment from the performing arts, literary study in the humanities, and methodologies and design imperatives from the social sciences. In general, my work explores how research construction and design might address ambiguity and uncertainty in culturally bound, human experience. I compare and interrogate Asian, U.S. American, and global narrations of the COVID-19 pandemic. I am developing an Asiacentric methodological approach to the study of online discourse and public interaction.
What I do:
Dialogue Facilitation
Creative Process
Intercultural Communication Training
Interdisciplinary workshop design
Sociocultural Learning Research
Instructional Design
Methods I use:
Qualitative Inquiry, including:
survey design
content analysis
participatory design
In the classroom, my student-centered approach is guided by a view of communicative practice and theory as reciprocal processes. I center three goals within this approach: making course content relevant to students, cultivating an awareness of collective care and learning, and fostering student empowerment through skills and creativity.
My courses encourage students to take active classroom roles in multiple forms of student-directed projects and other forms of experiential learning. The effectiveness of my teaching has been recognized in 2021 with the Outstanding Graduate Teaching Award in the Hugh Downs Department of Human Communication at ASU.
Prior to my time at Arizona State University, my teaching was informed by a diverse array of experiences in various cultural and disciplinary settings. These include roles as a Graduate Dance Instructor in the Dance Department at The Ohio State University, as a high school English teacher in Datung and Erxin high schools in Taipei and Jilong, Taiwan, as a Dance instructor at the Taipei American School’s International Baccalaureate program, a high school French teacher in the Sunbury Education system in Columbus, Ohio, and as an TOEFL instructor in Taipei, among others.
My pedagogy is richly influenced by my engagements with communities committed to cultural exchange. These experiences inform my commitments as a teacher-scholar committed to liberal arts education as I look to build bridges between theorizing and lived experience, and connections between academic scholarship and the larger communities and publics in which we participate.
I teach courses at SUNY New Paltz in:
Communication Across Cultures
Communication, Culture, and Difference
Storytelling and Culture
Qualitative Research Methods
I have developed coursework at Wake Forest University in:
Character and Cross-Cultural Communication
Identity, Communication, and Coalition Building
I have taught undergraduate, university level coursework at Arizona State University in:
Intro to Human Communication
Communication and Creativity
Intro to Communication Inquiry
Public Speaking
Introduction to Oral Interpretation
Intercultural Communication
Communication in the Electronic Age
Identity, Performance, and Communication
I have served as a seminar assistant in graduate level coursework in:
Spirituality, Colonialism, and Culture
I have taught coursework in secondary and private school settings in:
Anglophone Culture and Communication Tatung High School
English Language Arts, Drama and Dance Happy Kids English Immersion School
Middle and High School English, History, Theater Arts, Dance and ESL The Taipei American School
English Conversation, Reading, Listening, and TOEFL. Elite English Language Institute of Testing and Education
English Conversation, Writing, Social Studies and Language Arts. (elementary school age through adult). Shane English Schools
Literacy and Composition. Tester
High School French. Sunbury Home Education
Modern Dance. Ecole Kenwood
I have taught the following Master Classes and Workshops
Unpacking Anti-Asian hate. Elton Public Library. New Paltz, NY. With Dr. Melissa Yang Rock.
Modern Dance. Yen-Li Chen Ballet School. Chandler, AZ.
Performance as Play. Hugh Downs School Graduate Performance Studies Retreat. Prescott, AZ.
The Body in Performance. Hugh Downs School Graduate Performance Studies Retreat. Prescott, AZ.
The Still Radical Insights of Edward T. Hall, and Facilitating Intercultural Discovery. Summer Institute of Intercultural Communication, Reed College, OR.
Who’s Weird? 誰比較奇怪?In-Between International. Kaosiung, Taiwan.
Improvisation Skills for Life Through Movement 非關舞藝:溝通,不只是語言. In-Between International. Kaosiung, Taiwan.
Modern Dance. Bailalo Dance Studio. Taipei, Taiwan.
Music Video dance. Ripple Productions, Taipei, Taiwan
Movement Improvisation and Modern Dance. The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH.
Modern Dance. Columbus Dance Theater, Columbus, OH.
Creative Movement. Central Crossing High School. Columbus, OH.
Creative Arts in the Summer. The Wexner Center for the Arts. Columbus, OH.
Journal Articles
Mark, L. (2022). Dancing between model minorityhood and yellow peril: accusations of needing “personality”. Communication, Culture and Critique 00, 1-8.
Mark, L. & Steiner, E. (2022). Mind-Body Connections During Intercultural Conversations. Communication Teacher.
Mark, L., Rife, T., Linde, J., & Razzante, R. (2022). Storycircling the Virtual: Creating Space in a Pandemic with Storyscope. Storytelling, Self, Society: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Storytelling Studies, 17(1).
Wells, T., Mark, L., & Sandoval, J. (2020). Affect, space and the everyday: A reconsideration of waste in academic inquiry. Taboo: The Journal of Culture and Education, 19(3).
Carlson, D., Wells, T., Mark, L., & Sandoval, J. (2020). Introduction: Working the Tensions of the Post-Qualitative Movement in Qualitative Inquiry. Post-Qualitative Special Edition. Qualitative Inquiry.
Mark, L. (2020). Reflections on the Post-Qualitative. Post-Qualitative Special Edition. Qualitative Inquiry.
Mark, L. (2019-2020). The Costs of Rhythmic Belonging. Capacious 2(1-2). DOI: 10.22387/CAP2019.36
Mark, L. (2019). An Exploratory study of part time minorities: Finding home as a minority member. Journal of Intercultural Communication Research, 3. DOI: 10.1080/17475759.2019.1602071
Ray, C. D., Floyd, K., Mongeau, P. A., Mark, L., Shufford, K. N., & Niess, L. C. (2019). Planning improves vocal fluency and appearance of concern when communicating emotional support. Communication Research Reports, 36, 57-66. DOI: 10.1080/08824096.2018.1560251
Brezis, R. S., Singhal, N., Daley, T., Barua, M., Piggot, J., Chollera, S., Mark, L. & Weisner, T. (2016). Self-and other-descriptions by individuals with autism spectrum disorder in Los Angeles and New Delhi: Bridging cross-cultural psychology and neurodiversity. Culture and Brain, 4(2), 113-133.
Mark, L., & Wells, T. (2020). Whiteness and the Natural Order: Shame, Race and Public Intellectualism According to Jordan Peterson. In T.C. Wells, D.L. Carlson, D. L., & M. Koro-Ljungberg (Eds.), Intra-Public Intellectualism: Critical Qualitative Inquiry in the Academy. Gorham, ME: Myers Education Press.
Mark, L. (2020). Performing online in times of COVID-19. In K. Fasching-Varner, S. Bickmore, D. Hays, P.G. Schrader, D.L. Carlson, & D. Anagnostopolous, (Eds.), The Corona Chronicles. New York, NY: Diopress.
Koro, M., Vitrukh, M., Bowers, N., Mark, M., & Wells, T. (2022). Mentoring (maybe) as a philosophical event. In K. Guyotte & J. Wolgemuth (Eds.), Philosophical Mentoring in Qualitative Research: Collaborating and Inquiring Together. Routledge.
Mark, L. Contributor. "Intimate Partnerings Among Dance, the Social Sciences, and the Humanities: Feeling our way among cultures and communication through movement.” Canada’s National Academy of Dance Education. 2021, Mar 6.
Mark, L. (2020, June). Eyeliner. In S. Ramasubramanian (Ed.). Quarantined Across Borders Blog Series. Media Rise. Accessible at:
Mark, L. (2020, June). Racial dimensions of social distancing. In the Emotional Geography Lab at Carleton University's Coronotes. Accessible at:
Mark, L. (2019). Bring me the nothing. What aspects of your practice/research are invisible to your collaborators? Conference on Movement and Computing (MOCO) 19 Provocations. Available at:
Mark, L. (2017). When the East meets the Middle East. Constructing Intercultural Dialogues, 7. Available at:
Mark, L. (2012). In pursuit of happiness. Namaskar Magazine, January edition.
Mark, L. (2011). Myriad approaches to mindfulness. Centered on Taipei Magazine. April edition, Vol. 11, Issue 7.
Refereed Conference Papers
Webber, K., Soibelman, D. & Mark, L. (November, 2022). Preconference 02: DisPLACEing Power and Privilege in Public Speaking: Re-constructing the Introductory Course through Critical Pedagogical Theory and Praxis. Preconference organizer and presenter for The National Communication Association (NCA) 108th Annual Convention. New Orleans, LA.
Mark, L. (November, 2022). Interrogating the Place of Self in Autoethnography: Applying Critical Reflexive Methodology to Honor the Significance of PLACE. Roundtable presenter at The National Communication Association (NCA) 108th Annual Convention. New Orleans, LA.
Mark, L. and Löytönen, T. (April, 2022). Relational invitations through play: Event scores as research entry. Paper presented in the panel, Trans(re)lating diversity in academic terrains, at the American Educational Research Association (AERA) 2022 Annual Meeting. San Diego, CA.
Mark, L. (November, 2021). Liquid Ontologies and Fluid Epistemologies Reflected in Eastern Ethics of Relational Care. Paper presented at The National Communication Association (NCA) 107th Annual Convention. Seattle, WA.
Mark, L. (November, 2021). Asiacentricity in Global Contexts: A Relational Approach in Times of Crisis. Paper presented at The National Communication Association (NCA) 107th Annual Convention. Seattle, WA.
Mark, L. (November, 2021). Invisible Questions. Performance presented at The National Communication Association (NCA) 107th Annual Convention. Seattle, WA.
Mark, L. (November, 2021). Investigations of Asian-based Relationality in Action: Flickering Reminders While Daring to Avoid Western Contortions. Paper presented at The National Communication Association (NCA) 107th Annual Convention. Seattle, WA.
Mark, L. (2020/postponed to 2021). Thinking with Affect in the Field. Paper selected to be presented at the National Women’s Studies Association’s (NWSA) Annual Conference. (Conference Canceled)
Steiner, E. & Mark, L. (May, 2021). The Mind-Body Connection During Turn Taking in Intercultural Conversations. Paper selected to be presented at the Body, Embodiment and Bodyfulness in Intercultural Communications Conference in Munich, Germany.
Mark, L. (April, 2021). Radical Honesty as Sole Recourse. Paper presented at the Southern States Communication Association 91st Annual Convention. Top Student Paper
Mark, L. (November, 2020). An Embodied and Material Belonging to One Another. Paper presented at The National Communication Association (NCA) 106th Annual Convention.
Wells, T.C., Mark, L., & Sandoval, J. (April, 2020). Affect, Space, and Waste in Academic Inquiry [Roundtable Session]. American Educational Research Association (AERA) Annual Meeting. San Francisco, CA (Conference Canceled)
Mark, L. (February, 2020). Relational Forays in Asiacentric Relationality. Paper presented at Western States Communication Association (WSCA)’s 91st Annual Convention. Denver, CO.
Tracy, S., Linde, J., Broome, B., Adame, E., Lederman. L., Mark, L., et al. (November, 2019). Conversation as a defining moment for the Communication discipline: How human connection can survive and thrive in an age of social media and digital communication. Panel presented at The National Communication Association (NCA) 105th Annual Convention. Baltimore, MD.
Mark, L. (November, 2019). Transformation of the Bamboo Child. Performance presented at The National Communication Association (NCA) 105th Annual Convention. Baltimore, MD.
Mark, L. (November, 2019). Is this what it feels like? Autoethnographic performance performed at The National Communication Association (NCA) 105th Annual Convention. Baltimore, MD. [Top Student Contributed Student Performances in Performance Studies]
Mark, L. (November, 2019). So you think you can overcome your race with your personality? Paper presented at The National Communication Association (NCA) 105th Annual Convention. Baltimore, MD.
Ray, C., Floyd, K., Mongeau, P., Mark, L., Shufford, K., & Niess, L. (February, 2019). Planning Improves Vocal Fluency and the Appearance of Concern When Communicating Emotional Support. Paper presented at Western States Communication Association (WSCA)’s 90th Annual Convention. Seattle, WA.
Mark, L. & Graham, C. (February, 2019). My Culture is not your…Exploring cultural identity and privilege. Trigger Script performed at the Diversity and Inclusion Science Initiative Graduate Research Conference, Tempe, AZ.
Mark, L. (November, 2018). Part-time minorities: Finding home as a minority member. Paper presented at National Communication Association (NCA) 104th Annual Convention. Salt Lake City, UT.
Mark, L. (August, 2018). Rhythmanalysis and affective intensities from a non-Jewish Asian-American living in Tel Aviv. Paper presented at Capacious: Affect Inquiry/Making Space. Millersville, PA.
Mark, L. (July, 2018). Rhythmanalysis and affective intensities from a non-Jewish Asian-American living in Tel Aviv. Paper presented at The 24th International Conference of the International Association of Intercultural Communication Studies (IAICS). Chicago, IL.
Mark, L. (July, 2018). Photo narratives and formation of cultural hybridity. Paper presented at The 24th International Conference of the International Association of Intercultural Communication Studies (IAICS). Chicago, IL.
Mark, L. (February, 2018). Straddling the in-between: Tales of acculturation from long-term expatriates. Paper presented at Western States Communication Association (WSCA)’s 89th Annual Convention. Santa Clara, CA.
Mark, L. (February, 2018.) Sorry, I’m not your type. Autoethnographic dance performed at the Diversity and Inclusion Science Initiative Conference, Arizona State University (ASU). Phoenix, AZ.
Beck, S., Billotte Verhoff, C., Cortes, R., Hoffman, J., Mark, L., Omori, J. (November, 2017). Public pedagogy as neoliberalist resistance. Panel presented at the National Communication Association (NCA) 103rd Annual Convention. Dallas, TX.
Fisher, R., Flores, C., Jacobsen, J., Jones, S., Linde, J., Mark, L., Olson, C., Omori, J. (November, 2017). Civil Dialogue: Honoring and extending divergent voices. Panel presented at the National Communication Association (NCA) 103rd Annual Convention. Dallas, TX.
Mark, L. (July, 2017). The Construction of narrative schema in acculturation and third culture building. Paper presented at the Benedictine University at Mesa’s First International, Interdisciplinary Conference, "Identity Negotiations." Mesa, AZ.
Mark, L. (May, 2017). Visible Histories. Poster presented at the International Communication Association (ICA) 67th Annual Conference, Interventions: Communication and Practice. San Diego, CA.
Mark, L. (April, 2017). Multi-generational movement with memories. Paper presented at the PCA/ACA’s 47th Annual National Conference, San Diego, CA.
Kim, Y., Shin, Y., Mark, L., & Lu, Y. (November, 2016). CTI and social media: Investigating multi-layered identities on Facebook. Paper presented at the National Communication Association (NCA)’s 102nd Annual Convention, Philadelphia, PA.
Mark, L. (November, 2015). Multiple generations moving in and through one another’s memories. Poster presented at the Centre Nationale de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)’s The Science of Joint Improvisation Conference, Paris, France.
Mark, L. (April, 2015). Owned experiences in performative art in Israeli contemporary dance. Paper presented at the Dance Under Construction Conference, University of Riverside, CA.
Mark, L. (July, 2020). Synchronous Digital Places of Meeting, Creating Worlds Across Screens. Paper presented at the Artistic Research Working Group for Performance Studies International, Summer Virtual Meeting.
MacCallum, J. Naccarato, T., Rajko, J., Hallett, W., Kosstrin, H., Mark, L., Schacher, J., Stalnaker, R., Weisner, S. (October, 2019). Generative tension in cross-disciplinary collaboration. Panel presented at MOCO 2019: Interrnational Conference on Movement and Computing. Tempe, AZ.
Mark, L. (August, 2019). Navigating Eastern and Western hemispheres. Paper presented at the Society for the Study of Affect Summer School. Millersville University, PA.
Wells, T., and Mark, L. (August, 2019). Affect and public intellectualism. Paper presented at the Society for the Study of Affect Summer School. Millersville University, PA.
Mark, L. (July, 2019). In response to fascia based propositional scores. Performance response shown at Performance Studies International 25th Annual Conference. University of Calgary, Canada.
Mark, L. (May, 2019). Exploring ideas of “I” through spontaneous connections. Interactive paper presented at The 15th International Congress for Qualitative Inquiry (ICQI). Urbana-Champaign, IL.
Wells, T., Mark, L., & Sandoval, J. (May, 2019). Affective spaces: A Reconsideration of waste in academic inquiry. Paper presented at The 15th International Congress for Qualitative Inquiry (ICQI). Urbana-Champaign, IL.
Mark, L. (May, 2018). Embodied writing: Evaluating the effects of somatic awareness on writing facility and quality. Paper presented at The 14th International Congress for Qualitative Inquiry (ICQI). Urbana-Champaign, IL.
Mark, L. (May, 2014). Moving together in reminiscence. Paper presented at Thinking Up Dance Forum. Thinkers’ Theatre, Taipei, Taiwan.
Mark, L. Histories Made Visible. (March, 2006). Paper presented at ACDF American College Dance Festival. The Ohio State University. Columbus, OH.